We offer our services in the following areas:

Law of obligations

Redress, preparation of the legal opinions, preparation of the agreement drafts and other documents, representation in negotiations with contractors

Property and other property rights

Representing in the court proceedings and consulting in terms of property and possession protection, joined ownership, acquisitive prescription, servitude and others

Tenancy law

Legal services for property managers and residential communities, representation in the court proceedings regarding resolutions of the residential communities (repeal, statements of non-existence), representations in the court proceedings and consulting in the scope of transformations from the perpetual usufruct into the ownership right, updating the annual fee on the title to perpetual usufruct, establishing separate ownership of the premises

Inheritance law

Representation in the court proceeding for the statement of inheritance acquisition, inheritance division and legitime entitlement, responsibility for the inheritance debt, preparation of agreement drafts concerning matters related to the inheritance,
representation in the safeguard and enforcement proceedings

Legal aid

Concerning real estate transactions, legal state analysis of the real estate, preparation of the agreements drafts concerning purchase and sell of the real estate, representation in the court proceeding concerning real estate

Representation in the court

Representation in the court proceedings concerning recognition and acknowledgement of enforcement of the foreign court rulings and recognition and acknowledgement of enforcement of the Polish court rulings abroad


Representation in the court proceedings for the personal rights

Are you interested in this service?

Contact us

Tomasz Janik
Advocate Office

ul. Abrahama 5A/3
81-352 Gdynia

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